C12 Chair since 2006
Territory Served
Randy began leading the C12 Group Tidewater in 2007 to help leaders renew their minds, hearts, and vision to better serve God in their business. He began his career in finance working on Wall Street for Merrill Lynch, in M&A for Marshall and Co. in Atlanta, and as Chief Financial Officer for IMG Ltd, an Information Services company based in Switzerland. After turning his life to God in mid-career, Randy moved with his wife and children to Philadelphia to earn a Ph.D. at Wharton. He taught Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy, and Leadership for the next 20 years at Wharton, Boston College, and Regent University. As a professor, researcher, and consultant his chief passion was helping leaders take the personal and organizational risk of innovating in the face of uncertainty.
Today, Randy leads C12 Groups that challenge and encourage business executives in Richmond and Coastal Virginia to change and grow: their business, their leadership in family and culture, their relationship with God. Having struggled mightily to grow throughout his life, he now has the great privilege of coming alongside business leaders and growing with them.
Randy holds a BS from UVA, an MBA from Columbia and a Ph.D. from Wharton. He was trained in Transformational Leadership Coaching at Regent University and co-authored “The Christian on Monday Morning: Essential Readings for Living the Faith at Work.” Randy and his wife, Shelley, open their home in Williamsburg to 20-somethings who want to get to know them and each other in community. Shelley is the gift God gave him that makes all the trials worthwhile. Their daughter Emily is a nurse in Charlottesville, and their son Andrew is a health care consultant in Richmond.