5 Ss of Workplace Multiculturism
5 Ss of Workplace Multiculturism
Albert Tate suggests in his 2020 Global Leadership Summit session, that it is hard to flip a table at which we are sitting comfortably. In our flesh, we all struggle with sins of superiority and biases based on ethnicity, gender, culture, socio-economics, or even denomination. God’s grace calls us to do something countercultural: to see the marginalized—whom He has placed in our sightline—and bring them into our circle. Because of grace received, we extend it to others, regardless—and sometimes because—of how different we may be. Leaders hold unique power positions to tear down obstructions, flip tables of injustice, and build bridges of inclusion.
The BridgeLeader Network offers a schematic that outlines five areas leaders can use to identify intentionality concerning diverse workforces. Assess your company’s multicultural effectiveness by answering the questions.