Attracting and retaining talent remains a top priority for employers, and compensation and benefits remain a top priority for employees. The Bible has much to say on this topic, including principles of justice, rewards, and stewardship. While there is no one-size-fits-all compensation and benefits solution, many tools and options are at a leader’s disposal to develop custom packages that demonstrate Kingdom economics while stewarding the business and caring for employees.
Sometimes, employees underestimate the actual value of all the benefits their employers offer. Many payroll providers offer a “total rewards” or compensation statement that allows an employer to illustrate the “hidden paycheck” items that may not be as visible to employees. Total rewards statements convey the value of employee benefits such as paid time off (PTO), vacation and sick leave, employer-paid payroll taxes, and employer contributions. Presenting statements like these annually, for example, can be illuminating for employees.
Download our free tool, Developing a Biblically-Based Total Rewards Statement, to begin strategizing your compensation and benefits strategy today.