C12 Chair since 2011
Territory Served
Building Great Businesses for a Greater Purpose seems like the best thing to do after 40 years of delivering record-breaking results in every organization served…as scientist, technology marketing professional, launching companies, running technology-oriented companies up to $20 million in revenue (within billion-dollar firms) and then going to Seminary and leading in international ministries, and finally become a consultant, executive coach and facilitator for groups of business owners, CEOs and GMs who seek to build great businesses for a greater purpose, that is, for Christ. I’ve had the privilege of serving more than 100 top executives and owners in the past 20 years. Not all of them were Christians, at least not at work, and it’s pretty easy to tell when you start watching how someone conducts themselves and makes decisions in the marketplace. Now, I only serve top Christian Executives with the largest Christian Executive development organization in the world, the C12 Group.