C12 Chair since 2022
Territory Served
Mike grew up in the New York metropolitan area. He graduated from Rutgers University with a BS in Industrial Engineering. God gifted him in 1980 with Karen, his wife and soulmate of 44 years shortly after graduating college. They moved ‘south’ to Starkville, MS where he began his 45-year career in the electrical business and also received an MBA at Mississippi State University. He worked for ten years for electrical manufacturers in various sales and marketing positions in Mississippi, New Jersey and Georgia. In 1990 he had the opportunity to buy into a electrical manufacturers representative company and a partner wholesale distribution business. He has stewarded those businesses for over 30 years. For eleven of those years as a business owner Mike built a great business for a greater business as a C12 member in Middle Tennessee. He has been involved in transformational small group programs such as Cursillo, Exodus 90 and groups tied to local Church activities. Mike’s business and small group experiences have uniquely prepared him to become a C12 Chair. Karen and Mike have been gifted with three adult children who are all married: Aaron (Kylie), Josh (Ashley) and Kate (Todd). God has blessed each of those unions with children blessing Mike and Karen with ten amazing grandchildren. All their children have an entrepreneur’s heart and a love for God and people. The boys own their own businesses and Kate is a counselor who writes and hosts workshops while being a mom. Aaron is a C12 member up in Chicago.